Super Spy Game - 1971 - Milton Bradley - Great Condition
Mandi's Attic Toys
At the start of the game, each player draws an assignment card which tells them the documents they must find. For example, one card may tell them to get the "Radio Messages from Project seafarer" and the "Micro-film of laser beam patterns". They travel through the spy headquarters visiting the Map Room, Radio Room, Microfilm Room and File Room and must carry their documents to the Vault.
What makes the game difficult is that there are hidden "alarms" throughout the headquarters. Whenever a player lands on an alarmed space the bell rings. The player must then draw an alarm card and go to the "safe spot" in the room on the card. As players move around the headquarters they must remember where the alarms are.
Whenever a player lands on the name location of one of the rooms they search the documents in that room and retrieve the one they are looking for. The first player to get all of their documents to the vault is the winner.