Panzer Blitz - 1970 - Avalon Hill - Good Condition
120 Min Playing Time
The game is tactical scale (company/platoon sized units) with geomorphic map boards. The 352 counters were 5/8-inch and very striking for their time.
250 meters per hex, 6 minutes per turn.
Avalon Hill Complexity Rating: 6
[From the box back]
...from the other side of the ridge comes the clanking thunder and the ominous dust-cloud that heralds the arrival of an onrushing wave of deadly steel: German armored columns on the attack.
...Russian tank commander's slam shut the hatches of their dreaded T-34's...gun crews prime their weapons and infantrymen hug the earth...
...and there-topping the rise!...a glint of dawn reflecting off the muzzle of the first German tanks...
PanzerBlitz is about to begin!