Little Mermaid 3D Board Game - 2005 - Milton Bradley - Great Condition

Mandi's Attic Toys

Availability: 1 in stock

Little Mermaid 3D Board Game - Complete - Great Condition
by Milton Bradley
Category:  Board Games
Genre:  Family Board Game
Year:  2005
2-4 Players
15 Min Playing Time
Ages:  5+

      This game, based on the Disney film, features a 3D game board. On your turn, you spin the spinner and move your fish pawn around the track to the color spun. If you land on an Ariel space, you move the Ariel piece one step up the ocean backdrop (closer to Prince Eric). If you land on a Flotsam and Jetsam space, you are captured and place the Flotsam and Jetsam piece next to your fish pawn. You will be freed only when another player lands on a Flotsam and Jetsam space and moves them away. The first player to move the Ariel piece onto the top step of the backdrop changes Ariel into a human and wins the game

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