G.I. Joe Commando Attack Game - 1985 - Milton Bradley - Great Condition

Mandi's Attic Toys


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G.I. Joe Commando Attack Game - Complete - Great Condition
by Milton Bradley
Category:  Board Games
Genre:  Family Board Game
Year:  1985
2 Players
30 Min Playing Time
Ages:  7+

   This is a simple combat game in which players attempt to capture all six of their opponent's commandos. Players roll a die to determine how many spaces they may move any combination of commandos. If a commando ends their move adjacent to an opposing figure, combat takes place: each player rolls a die, and the higher roll captures the opposing piece. Once per game, captured commandos may be freed by moving onto a compound gate space. There are also resource tiles on the map that can be picked up and later used to temporarily boost your team's abilities.

The real attraction of the game comes into play when a player rolls the "missile launcher" symbol on the die. The player then uses a battery-operated gun to fire one or two foam discs at the board. If a piece is knocked over, it is captured, even it happened to be your own commando.

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